Hi, I am a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Certified Financial Planner. I stopped eating animals 44 years ago, and became vegan back in 2010. I would have followed a 100% plant based diet earlier, if I had known the nutritional science behind creating a healthy and sustainable diet. If you’d like help on your dietary journey to eating only plants, I’d love to share my nutrition education and experience to bring you up to speed faster. The health benefits can be huge. I also offer dietary and lifestyle consulting to Financial Planning clients, who are having challenges passing the medical underwriting requirements needed to qualify for life and disability insuance.
I completed my board exam and became a RHN in 2021, obtained my Plant Based Nutrition Certificate in 2017 at the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies e-Cornell University New York, and I’m a V.L.C.E., Vegan Lifestyle Coach and Educator, graduate of The Main Street Vegan Academy New York, 2018. I’ll save you time and money by helping you on your way to setting up and following a healthy, compassionate and environmentally friendly diet.