Human Digestive system
Ideal digestion & assimilation of nutrients
Understanding the human digestive system can be complicated but let us simplify it for you. Here are just a few helpful techniques:
-proper food combining
-chewing your food 30 times
-implementing unprocessed foods into your diet
-adding fermented foods to improve your gut biome
-food prep techniques to save you time and money
-ways to de-stress
-reducing EMFs from electronic devices
-getting enough sleep
-drinking enough water
-staying physically active
-implementing joyous activities into your day
-getting some green time or umbrella time depending on the weather
With a 3 day diet analysis of your typical eating plan; we can assist you in obtaining all the vital nutrients your body needs to rid itself of toxins and energize you.
Macro-nutrient ratios can be important so we’ll provide a suggested menu to nourish your body and help you reach your individual health goals.
Level one plan: Plant Based Lifestyle Transition Package: $450.00 includes:
1) Initial food diary analysis of fiber, protein, fat, carbs, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids
2) health questionnaire, and prioritization of your goals
3) environmental ideas that really make a difference to OUR planet
4) strategy plan to implement immediately
Additional Follow Up:
5) 45 minutes: $75.00
Level two plan: $150.00 for up to 90 minutes. Walk through of your home for analysis and removal of your toxic, non-environmentally friendly pantry items, contents of fridge, contents of freezer, personal care products, analysis of water filtration system, pet food, and cleaning products. Recommendations for healthy replacements will be made. This can be done via Face-time or Skype.