Yes my cat likes to snack on fresh, raw organic apricots, bananas and raspberries. I didn’t force them on him, I simply offered, he tried them and liked them. In a world where cat treats contain very processed and completely inorganic ingredients, this is a much healthier choice. I saw a 2016 documentary called: ‘Pet Fooled’ which I recommend to all pet lovers. Most people assume that the billion dollar pet food industry has our cat or dog’s best interests in mind when they make meat based pet food. But, what if they were just in it for the money? Gasp! no, they don’t sell pet food to make billions of dollars do they?
Can we agree that in the world of business, large corporations are in business to make money, and lots of it? What if that industry was self-regulated, or only minimally regulated by a government agency too busy to do a thorough job of monitoring these products?
I love my cat and I want him to have the healthiest life possible. so I did some research…
I watched the 2016 documentary DVD: Pet Fooled
I read the book: Obligate Carnivore by Jed Gillen
I listened to the Exam Room podcast produced by the Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine entitled: Can Dogs and Cats be Vegans? with Dr. Armaiti May, DVM (doctor of Veterinary medicine)
I researched online and discovered several companies that had been producing vegan pet food for decades. See:,
I’ve listened to what the educated progressive veterinarians have said. For a list of some of these see: Can Pets be vegan? What’s really in Pet Food? (Extensive foot notes, references and research to support her findings.) sells the products: VegeCat and VegeDog which are amino acid and ph buffering nutritional yeasts, in a package with a recipe booklet to make your own vegan cat and dog foods from 100% organic ingredients that you buy yourself like: lentils, chic peas, seitan, rice, oats etc…You can even add your own herbs and seasonings like curry, cumin, and turmeric or oregano, fresh basil leaves and dill. The nice thing is that you can feed your pet (animal) without killing another animal so it’s cruelty free and supplies all the nutrition your cat or dog needs without the unwanted ingredients found in animal products. Lets face it, if less than 5% of the world’s human population eats organic foods, do you really think that pig farmers or beef producer’s are feeding their animals organic foods? Heck no! And the most concentrated source of pesticides are in animal protein such as beef, yogurt, ice cream, eggs and chickens.
So if we look at the situation logically, the healthiest food to feed our cats and dogs is home made organic nutritionally complete plant based foods.
Our cats and dogs, whether wild or domesticated are now consuming multiple poisons in their food supply, which includes: contaminated water, air pollution and concentrated animal proteins that contain pesticides and veterinarian medicines. We are what we eat and we are also what our food ate. If a cat is eating kibble made from the 4 D’s (dead, diseased, dying or disabled pigs, cows or chickens), then they are no longer eating a natural healthy diet. We can make their food healthier again and reduce animal cruelty with a mostly organic and 100% plant based diet.