For the body and the mind
Detoxing... oh what a scary word. Is it really as scary as it sounds though? Well no, actually detoxing is probably the best thing you could do for yourself! Whether its detoxing your body for physical health or even mental clarity, reducing that toxic load can be just what you need to help kick start your health.
Did you know that your brain health is just as important as your gut health? Over one half of your nerve cells are actually located in your gut, which is why researchers have recently started to identify the gut as our “2nd brain.” So its vital that we keep it nourished. We are subject to air pollution, water pollution, and foods grown with or exposed to pesticides. The only variables we can really control are what we eat, and those following an organic plant based diet with a variety of foods from all the food groups have the lowest exposure to pesticides, metals and hormones. The 12 Raw Vegan Food Groups are:
-vegetables - fruits - leafy greens - seeds - nuts - grains - sprouts - plant based fats - sea vegetables - fermented foods - unprocessed sweeteners
Detoxing goes much deeper than just eliminating harmful toxins from your body. in fact, it has many benefits for your health. Aside from promoting weight loss, detoxing can also health increase the body’s blood circulation, improve sleep, increase energy, reset your circadian rhythm, clear brain fog and improve libido. Who doesn't like the sound of that? The list certainly doesn't end there, but instead of talking about the all the good stuff, let's maybe think about the negatives. Oh wait… there are none, as detoxing is a win-win for everyone, if done right. Preparing for a detox is important as it should not make you feel worse if done properly.
How to prepare for a dietary detox:
Give up dairy, refined sugar, packaged foods, fried foods, seafood, animal products, caffeine, pop, and alcohol for one to two weeks prior to starting a cleanse. Consult with your doctor if you are taking any medications to get the Go Ahead for a dietary make-over.
So, let's look at the science of detoxing and how it works. Our body is always looking for ways to detox, we detox everyday through eliminating wastes, ie. poop, sweating, sneezing, urination, nasal discharge etc….It’s a mechanism of our body to get rid of wastes.
We get toxins from breathing in polluted air, pesticides in our food, and drinking water contaminated with metals such as lead and aluminium. and other poisons. Interesting fact; the most concentrated food source of pesticides and environmental wastes, is animal products. We’ve all heard of the Dirty Dozen. It provides a list of the 12 most contaminated conventional fruits and vegetables. It’s quite ironic though that the dirtiest items of all are actually animal products; such as meat, fish, seafood and dairy.
Consider the polluted oceans that sea life live in. Do farm animals drink filtered water? I doubt it. Think about the fact that if only 1% of humans eat organic food, then you certainly must realize that farm animals are not eating anything organic and in some cases the food they eat is deplorable. Pesticides and metals concentrate in their organs and fat, just like they do in our body. We are what we eat but we are also what our food ate….
There are everyday cleaning products which could be making us sick. A good place to start eliminating them is to switch to unscented and biodegradable laundry detergent, shampoos, and dish soap. Dr. Bronner’s produces castille soap which is very versatile and can be used to wash your hair and your dishes at different dilutions. It’s also better for the oceans, the sea-life and our one and only planet. A polluted planet affects everyone. To scan the barcode of your product before you buy it and see how the EWG, Envronmental Working Group rates it, download their app and carry it with you to the store. This should be used on make up products too. We want to use cruelty free products, with vegan ingredients, that contain zero endocrine disruptors and no harmful xenoestrogens.
Toxins may not sound like the biggest problem but they accumulate over time and contribute to most, if not all, of the negative symptoms we experience. From the sluggish feeling we experience during the day, headaches, upset stomach, inability to concentrate or insomnia. One may just assume that its normal but it’s not. Toxins do interfere with ones mental and emotional well-being, so if you don't find yourself in the ideal state of mind this could be a contributing reason to why.
We should all make room for self improvement and one way is by showing our organs just how much we love them by giving them a break whenever possible. Giving up alcohol, smoking, animal products and packaged foods is a great place to start.
Make detoxing fun for you, don't restrain yourself if it feels like you're going to go crazy without certain foods for that duration of time because that’s only going to negatively impact you emotionally. The body just wont let go of excess fat if it feels like its starving so it’s important to eat enough. Start with baby steps, we all take them at the beginning.
One of the best detoxes, after you’ve mastered a whole foods plant based diet for a few months is; the “Master Cleanse” by Stanley Burroughs, reason being all the excellent feedback. The concept is;
• 2 tbsp fresh lemon or lime juice
• 1 tbsp pure maple syrup (up to 2 tbsp if you want drop less weight)
• 1/10 tsp cayenne pepper
• 8 ounce spring water
Mix and drink 8 to 12 glasses throughout the day, eat or drink nothing else except water, herbal tea, peppermint or chamomile tea. Keep the lemonade in a glass container not plastic (as this can release different toxins into mix) or make fresh each time. Remember to rinse mouth after each glass to prevent lemon juice from hurting your enamel. Try this for 1 - 3 days and let us know how it went for you, we love to hear your feedback. The best part is you don't have to always be in detox mode because it is important to make sure you are getting proper nourishment from whole foods as well.
It is recommended to detox at least twice per year just for proper maintenance of the body. So let’s unclog these rusty pipes and get a head start to the new and improved you. If you want to hire a professional holistic consultant to help you detox your home and pantry, please see our “Services Page”.
Wishing good health always.